Education program

Taking the Next Generation into the Future!

Het Techniek  Talent Ontwikkel Program (TTOP)

The new time! Education in the Netherlands, Dutch companies (particularly in the technology sector), organizations, governments, in fact the entire society, are at the beginning of a new era. The changes are already in full swing and are happening in rapid succession. Crucial in these developments is that education will give high priority to technology education, at all levels! And thus simultaneously improves the image of technical professions.

What does het Techniek Talent Ontwikkel Programma (TTOP) entail?:


In secondary education, vocational education and beyond.


In different levels: for secondary education and segmented into MBO, HBO and WO; professional and business knowledge are brought together.


Strongly promote cooperation between business and education. And thus transfer knowledge & skills.


Parents play a major role in the choice of a profile and later study. By informing parents about future work and job security, they can make the best choice together with their child.

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Taking the next generation into the future!

TTOP the Faraday Cup: the competitions focus on problems presented by the business community.

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Education program:

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